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Terms and Conditions

This website is owned and operated by Green Hope

These Terms and Conditions govern your access to and use of this website, including all transactions made through this website. Read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the website.

You can find more information about its use and access to this website in our Privacy Policy.

Terms of use


By accessing and using this website, you agree that you are required to read these Terms and Conditions, that you have done so and that you accept the Terms and Conditions without limitations. Furthermore, you agree that you can not use the unfamiliarity with the Terms and Conditions as a defense against the Terms contained herein. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, do not use the website.



These Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time. Your use of this website constitutes recognition and agreement with the current Terms and Conditions. The upper part of this agreement will always clearly show the most recent revision date for these Terms and Conditions.

Access to the site


You must be eighteen (18) years of age or older to use this website, including to create an account and purchase products on this website. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age, you are not allowed to access this website. By accepting the Terms and Conditions and using this website, you acknowledge that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age. Due to age restrictions for the use of this website, no information collected by the website is governed by the Child's Online Privacy Act (COPA).


To complete a purchase on this website, you may be asked to provide certain personal information for registration and order purposes. It is a condition of your use of this site that the information you provide to Green Hope is true and complete. If you provide inaccurate information, or if Green Hope has reason to suspect that your information is false or inaccurate, your account may be canceled and future use of the website may be prohibited. All account information is kept secure and subject to the Terms of our Privacy Policy.

You are responsible for all activities performed on this website using your account, including charges arising from the unauthorized use of your account. You agree to notify Green Hope immediately of any non-compliance or unauthorized use of your account of which you are aware.


Use of the site

You agree to use this website only for legal purposes. Harassment of employees or members of the community in any way or form is expressly prohibited. Imitating the employees or representatives of Green Hope or other visitors to the website is prohibited. You may not post or upload to this website any material that may be considered abusive, fraudulent, illegal, threatening or that is considered objectionable. You can not upload commercial content with which you can invite others to any other organization.

Your access and use of this website is only for activities allowed by Green Hope. You may not use it for any other purpose without the prior written permission of Green Hope.



This website may contain links to third-party websites. Green Hope provides these links for convenience and does not endorse or endorse these sites or their content. Green Hope is not responsible for the content of the sites linked to. If you access information on a third-party website, you do so at your own risk.


Information Disclaimer

The content of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to work in place of the advice of a qualified medical professional. Always seek guidance from your health care provider regarding medical conditions.

The content is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Green Hope makes no representations or warranties regarding the health information on this website.


You should not use information in the content of this website as an alternative to professional medical advice. Never delay seeking or ignoring medical advice because of the information on this website. As always, check with your health care provider before making lifestyle changes or taking nutritional supplements.

The content of this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Green Hope and its representatives are not qualified to provide medical advice. The company does not provide medical advice and none should be inferred from any content, suggestion or testimony contained on this website or in other Green Hope materials provided by email or telephone. The content shown on this website reflects the date of publication. Green Hope has no obligation to update or delete information that is no longer accurate.

Copyright - Marcas registradas


All material contained on this website, including, among others, codes, graphics, logos, photos and text (collectively "content") is protected by copyright, trademark or other right of patented content. These rights are valid and are protected in all their forms. All content is registered as a collective work under the copyright law of the United States and is owned by Green Hope.


"Green Hope" and all graphics, icons and logos are trademarks and / or service marks owned by Green Hope or a Green Hope affiliate unless otherwise indicated.


You are granted permission to copy parts of this site for the sole purpose of ordering or purchasing Green Hope products. You may display, download or print content on this website solely for non-commercial use. Any other use, including, among others, the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of the content of this website is prohibited unless Green Hope previously authorizes it in writing.

If you violate these Terms of copyright, your permission to access the content will terminate and you must immediately destroy any copy that you own of any part of the content.

Disclaimer of participation


Green Hope does not review all communications created by other users who access the website and is not responsible for the content of these communications. You acknowledge that by providing access to the site and these materials, Green Hope assumes no responsibility related to communication shared by other users on the site. Green Hope, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to eliminate abusive, fraudulent, illegal, threatening or objectionable communications.



You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Green Hope and its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, suppliers and content providers (hereinafter referred to as "indemnified parties") from all costs, damages, expenses, losses and reasonable fees. of lawyers. as a result of any violation of these Terms and Conditions or any activity related to your account by you or any person who uses your account. You also agree to indemnify and indemnify the indemnified parties from and against any claim filed by third parties that arises from your use of the content of this website.

Limitation of liability


At no time shall indemnified parties be liable for actual, consequential, direct, exemplary, incidental, indirect, punitive, special or other damages, including without limitation the loss of income or income, profits, value or use, pain and suffering, or similar damages, even if the company has been informed of the possibility of such damages. No entity is authorized by Green Hope to give representation, modify or extend the limited warranties provided on this website, or to assume any liability in connection with this website or the products offered by Green Hope. In no case shall the collective or total liability of the indemnified parties to any party for a claim exceed the price paid for the product that gives rise to such claim.


Green Hope will not be under any circumstances responsible for the use or inability to use materials on the website.

The applicable local law may restrict the use or scope of limitations on liability for damages, so these Terms may not apply in full. However, in no case shall Green Hope's liability for products purchased on this site include the price paid for such products, including shipping or handling.

Law that governs


These Terms and Conditions, and your use of this site will be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Connecticut, United States of America, regardless of the choice of legal provisions. You agree that personal jurisdiction and jurisdiction in any legal proceeding arising directly or indirectly from this site or these Terms and Conditions (including, but not limited to, the purchase of Green Hope products) will be made exclusively in the state and federal courts located in Connecticut, and waives any right to oppose the installation of such courts and the right to claim an inconvenient forum. Any cause of action or claim you may have with respect to this site (including, but not limited to, the purchase of Green Hope products) must be initiated within one year after the claim or cause of action is accrued. The fact that Green Hope does not insist or strictly enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Neither the course of conduct between the parties nor the commercial practice shall act to modify any of these Terms and Conditions.

Si alguna parte de estos Términos y condiciones es ilegal, nula o no exigible, esa parte se considerará divisible y no afectará la validez y aplicabilidad de las disposiciones restantes.

Local jurisdiction


Green Hope does not guarantee that its products are available or appropriate in all jurisdictions where this site may be accessed. According to the best knowledge of Green Hope, it operates legally under state and federal laws in the United States; however, it is impossible for the company to be aware of the laws and regulations of all local jurisdictions related to products derived from industrial hemp. Green Hope is not responsible for any potential legal issues that may arise due to such local regulations.


You are solely responsible for compliance with the laws governing the purchase and use of products available through this website. It is your responsibility as buyer and / or user, not as Green Hope, to determine and obey all applicable local, state and federal laws regarding the possession and use of any product offered by Green Hope. If you are not sure, contact local or state authorities before placing an order. When you place an order, you indicate that you understand and accept that it is your sole responsibility as a buyer to determine whether the products derived from industrial hemp are legal in accordance with the laws that apply to you. You represent and warrant that you have read this disclaimer and that all products purchased will be used legally and that you are of legal age to purchase and use such products.


You understand and agree that the limitations of liability set forth above apply to the foregoing.

Waiver of the guarantee


This website, its content and the products offered are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Beyond Botanicals guarantees that the products purchased from this website, at the time of shipment, are unadulterated and will contain ingredients specified by the product label.


Green Hope makes no warranty with respect to the products or this website that is not stipulated in writing in these Terms and Conditions, and specifically rejects and excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any other representation and warranty of any kind, express or implied, arising from the operation of the law or otherwise, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The resources provided in these Terms and Conditions are exclusive, and Green Hope expressly and specifically waives, and the client irrevocably waives the right to search, all other resources.


Green Hope does not represent or guarantee that the functions contained in this website are uninterrupted or free of errors, or that this site or the server that hosts it are free of viruses or other harmful components. Green Hope makes no warranties or representations regarding the use of materials on this site with respect to its correctness, accuracy or reliability.


Some states restrict the use or scope of limitations or exclusions with respect to warranties. The above limitations may not apply in full.



Green Hope may send you a notice through a posting on the website or an email to the contact address you provided when registering your account, or by any other method reasonably believed by Green Hope to be reliable.


Prices and Taxes

The prices listed on this website for products or services, unless otherwise indicated, are exclusive of shipping costs and any sales, use, excise, transfer, transportation or other taxes, fees or taxes. of any kind imposed by any government. authority ("Taxes"). Customers are solely responsible for all taxes payable in connection with the purchase of products or services.


Typographical errors and inadvertent errors

If a product is inadvertently published at an incorrect price, Green Hope reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders placed at that incorrect price, regardless of whether the order has been confirmed or uploaded. If your credit card was charged for the purchase and your order is canceled, Green Hope will issue a credit to your card account for the amount of the incorrect price charged.


Availability of the product

All purchases made on this website are subject to product availability. Green Hope reserves the right to limit the quantities offered or limit sales of products to a person, home, region or jurisdiction. Green Hope reserves the right to refuse orders directly. If an order is fraudulent, Green Hope reserves the right to cancel the order and notify the relevant authorities.


Payment method

Green Hope accepts payments with American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa. The charges will appear on your credit card as BeyondBotanicals2037946340. If a payment is not successful due to a rejected credit, due date, invalid payment or insufficient funds, Green Hope reserves the right to cancel your order. Orders are sent after receipt of full payment. When processing fees apply, you are solely responsible for these fees. Check with your service provider for more information. The Green Hope terms and conditions, which include, but are not limited to, the provisions regarding limitation of liability and compensation, apply to the methods of payment and processing of payments, and Green Hope is not responsible for the charges, errors or Losses that may arise from the use of your payment method.


Promotional Codes and Coupon Codes

Coupon codes should be used one at a time. They can not be used simultaneously. Coupon codes do not apply to the prices of bulk, wholesale or private label labels.


Tetrahydrocannabinol disclaimer

Green Hope sells products derived from industrial hemp. Products of this nature often contain natural traces of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). According to federal legislation, the THC in Green Hope products does not exceed 0.3% by weight to comply with federal definitions of industrial hemp. Green Hope believes it is very unlikely that a drug test will not be approved when using products purchased on this website, but that event is not impossible. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of this website and requesting Green Hope products, you understand that a doping test is a possibility when using products derived from industrial hemp. You agree that you waive your right to file a claim against Green Hope for any matter related to any drug test you take

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